There are a few vendors (service providers) who provide End User Programming (EUP) to develop websites, blog, journal or diary. We avail their services online to manage our website layout and contents at run time. Most common vendors are given below:
i) Livejournal [9] is open source software launched in 1999 used for developing blogs, journal or diary. It is designed considering those individuals who are nonprogrammers by providing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for developing website and provides WYSIWYG editor for uploading posts on their websites/blogs.
There are a few vendors (service providers) who provide End User Programming (EUP) to develop websites, blog, journal or diary. We avail their services online to manage our website layout and contents at run time. Most common vendors are given below:
i) Livejournal [9] is open source software launched in 1999 used for developing blogs, journal or diary. It is designed considering those individuals who are nonprogrammers by providing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for developing website and provides WYSIWYG editor for uploading posts on their websites/blogs.
ii) Movabletype [8] is blogging software developed in 2001. It is used for building websites, blog and social networks. It’s services are not only utilized by individuals who are non technical webmasters but a number of companies are using it to promote their businesses who cannot afford professional web developers.
iii) WordPress [7] is an open source blogging tool, developed in PHP in 2003 as a non-hosted blog publishing platform. WordPress launched in 2005 as a hosted version of the original software.
iv) Blogger [6] is a web service developed in August of 1999 by Pyra Labs, a tiny company in San Francisco, bought by Google in 2003. It is further elaborated in next section.
The following table 2 and graph 1 represents the unique visitors or hits of one year from November 2007 to November 2008 on their sites.

Graph 1 Comparison of Most Common Service Providers in Terms of Unique Visitors on their Sites
Table 1 and Graph 1clearly shows that Blogger and WordPress has a lot more unique visitors/hits than LiveJournal and Movabletype. Following figure shows the Page Rank [11] of above mentioned service providers.
Table 1 and Graph 1clearly shows that Blogger and WordPress has a lot more unique visitors/hits than LiveJournal and Movabletype. Following figure shows the Page Rank [11] of above mentioned service providers.
Graph 2 Comparison of Service Providers in terms of Page Rank
Though we may not compare services provided by these tools/websites by finding out the unique visitors/hits and page rank but these findings depict popularity of these services. On basis of above analysis, we have selected Blogger and Wordpress for further exploration as these both have comparable unique visits per month and both have adequate page rank