Functional Test Tools
*MOST popular*
1. Selenium
Testing tool for browser-based testing of web applications. It can be used both for functional, compatibility (it has extensive cross-browser support) and regression testing.
Requirement: Windows, Linux or Mac
2. WatiN
WatiN stands for Web Application Testing in dotNet. Inspired by Watir, WatiN enables web application testing, through Internet Explorer on a Windows platform, expressed in any .Net language.
Requirement: Windows
Download data:Downloadable files: 49627 total downloads to date
3. Watir
Watir (Web Application Testing in Ruby) is a functional testing tool for web applications. It supports tests executed at the web browser layer by driving a web browser and interacting with objects on a web page. It uses the Ruby scripting language.
Requirement: Windows (currently only supports Internet Explorer)
4. Web Form Flooder
Web Form Flooder is a Java console utility that will analyze a Web page, complete any forms present on the page with reasonable data, and submit the data. The utility will also crawl links within the site in order to identify and flood additional forms that may be present.
Requirement: OS Independent
Download data:Downloadable files: 1608 total downloads to date
5. WebDriver
A developer focused tool for automated testing of webapps: WebDriver has a simple API designed to be easy to work with and can drive both real browsers, for testing javascript heavy applications, and a pure "in memory" solution for faster testing of simpler applications.
Requirement: any java-compatible platform
OTHER Functional Testing Tools
1. Abbot Java GUI Test Framework
The Abbot framework provides automated event generation and validation of Java GUI components, improving upon the very rudimentary functions provided by the java.awt.Robot class (A Better 'Bot). The framework may be invoked directly from Java code or accessed without programming through the use of scripts. It is suitable for use both by developers for unit tests and QA for functional testing.
Requirement: TBC
Download data: Downloadable files: 67654 total downloads to date
2. Anteater
Anteater is a testing framework designed around Ant, from the Apache Jakarta Project. It provides an easy way to write tests for checking the functionality of a Web application or of an XML Web service.
Requirement: OS Independent
Download data: Downloadable files: 15452 total downloads to date
3. ApoDora
Apodora is a framework/tool for automating functional testing of web applications. It provides the user with programmatic control of the web browser allowing them to interact directly with the browser's user interface. It uses a database backend in order to remember how to find your html elements. This also makes your scripts easier to maintain.
Requirement: Windows, IE6
Download data: Downloadable files: 6106 total downloads to date
4. Arbiter
Document based acceptance tester. Similar to FIT in goal. Manages requirements documents in Word or RTF format that are created jointly by customer and developer. Requirements are parsed to extract a glossary and test suite.
Requirement: OS Independent
Download data: Downloadable files: 1605 total downloads to date
5. Autonet
Autonet is a GUI network test platform, internally it's based on CLI to communicate with devices. It can help you to arrange test cases, setup commands to devices ,run commands to check results and record test results
Requirement: windows, linux and any other platform which support tcl
Download data: Downloadable files: 1384 total downloads to date
6. AutoTestFlash
AutoTestFlash allows the recording and playback of tests writen in Flash and Flex. The tool website provides a live sample.
Requirement: Windows / Flash
7. Avignon
Avignon is an acceptance test system that allows you to write executable tests in a language that you define. It uses XML to define the syntax of the language but, if you choose to extend the language, leaves the semantics of the tests up to you. Avignon includes modules for testing HTML applications (through either IE or FireFox), Swing and .NET WinForm applications.
Requirement: Java (MS Windows only for .NET testing)
Download data: Downloadable files: 9309 total downloads to date
See More
Functional Test Tools – All free and Open-Source
Performance Test Tools – All free and Open-Source
Security Test Tools – All free and Open-Source
Unit Testing Tools – All free and Open-Source
Unit Test C/C++
Unit Test Java
Unit Test .Net
Unit Test PHP
Unit Test SQL
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